
Nanotubes are tubes of only a few nanometers in diameter, with walls made of carbon. They form a honeycomb structure. The challenge is in separating nanotubes from one another without destroying them. This requires the product to be dispersed as stress-free and gently as possible. A too soft approach does not separate the tubes, while a too hard approach will destroy the tube structure.

With many years of experience and support of various projects with nanotubes, VMA-Getzmann is the perfect partner who offers a wide variety of solutions to your problems. A combination of DISPERMAT® and TORUSMILL® brings the desired success.

for production (Modular quick-change systems)

for laboratory and pilot plant (Modular quick-change systems)

Vacuum dissolvers (Products for production)

Vacuum dissolver with scraper (Products for production)

ATEX vacuum dissolvers (Products for production)

ATEX vacuum dissolvers with scraper (Products for production)

Horizontal bead mills (Products for production)

Horizontal ATEX bead mills (Products for production)

Modular basket mills (Products for production)

Modular vacuum systems (Products for production)

Modular rotor-stator systems (Products for production)

Basket mills (Products for production)

ATEX basket mills (Products for production)

Vacuum basket mills (Products for production)

ATEX vacuum basket mills (Products for production)

2 in 1: basket mills with dissolver (Products for production)

Dissolvers (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Dissolvers (Products for production)

Dissolvers with scraper (Products for production)

ATEX dissolvers (Products for production)

ATEX dissolvers with scraper (Products for production)

Explosion-proof dissolvers (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Vacuum dissolvers (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Dissolvers for high-viscosity products (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Basket mills (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Bead mills (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Explosion‒proof bead mills (Products for lab and pilot plant)

Rotor-stator homogenizers (Products for lab and pilot plant)